Swimming pools are a great way to relax on a hot day. It is no wonder they are so popular amongst Americans. However, many do not know how they work. In this video, you will learn the basics of swimming pool filtration.
Swimming filtration systems break from time to time. Thankfully there are many swimming pool construction services that can provide you assistance in this area. All swimming pools have a filtration system that cleans the water by recirculating the water through filters.
The main parts are the skinner, drain, jet nozzles, water pump, filter, and stopcocks. Any debris is collected by the skimmer. The water travels through the skimmer through the piping into the pre-filter that filters out even smaller debris. The water then continues through a selective valve into the main filter that uses sand grains to filter out dust and pollen. The water is then returned to the pool through a return pipe. This is the key to crystal clear water. This is also why it is important that it is in working condition.