It is not often that you see a whole roof go flying through the air. However, this is exactly what residents of Gaylord, Michigan experienced recently after a powerful tornado ripped through their town. In this video, you will see a compilation of video clips that give us a unique view into the tornado and its destruction.
The video starts with some people gazing at the tornado from afar. There is definitely a mix of worry and awe.
The next clip shows the tornado up close. The winds are ripping everything to shreds and tossing the debris hundreds of feet into the air. After this clip, another clip shows the extent of the debris. A Walgreens was directly hit and seems to have sustained significant damage. They will likely at least need roof repairs. The signage has also been damaged. The large sign that was anchored in the ground has been tilted about 30 degrees to the side from the powerful winds. In fact, the winds were powerful enough to flip a car upside down. Another clip shows a RV dealership that was directly hit by the tornado. Many of the RVs are completely totaled.