In this episode of Workforce Solutions, Susana Matthews introduces a new tool for job explorers – a virtual reality career exploration tool that will benefit job seekers in the Permian Basin.
You might have heard about VR technology like the Oculus Rift. Virtual Reality allows you to immerse yourself in a game-like environment that feels real, and it is being used now to simulate job environments so that you can experience them for yourself and decide whether the career path is right for you.
Choosing a career can be difficult.
It’s a big choice that impacts everything else in your life, and there isn’t always enough information for people to make informed choices that will benefit them. Young people face this challenge the most, but older job seekers can also be unsure about what they want to do for work. With this tool, you can change a car’s oil, put out a fire, or try out fixing electrical wiring without being in danger and with a full range of views to experience the workplace.
This virtual reality tool is great for exploring a career, but it can also lead to training and result in a certificate. Virtual reality can help lead you to the perfect career for you!.