Safe drinking water is extremely important for daily life, but have you ever wondered how your tap water becomes clean? Here’s an overview of how the water treatment process works.
When water enters a treatment facility, treatment experts check its pH levels and how dirty it is. They then remove any large solid objects that are caught in the water, such as leaves, twigs, branches, and even fish.
Next, they use sulfuric acid and aluminum sulfate to make the solids in the water coagulate into one mass, making them easier to remove.
After being treated with chemicals, the water enters an air flotation tank, where it gets mixed with clean water saturated with air. The tiny air bubbles in the water float to the top of the tank and form a layer of sludge, which is scraped off using a mechanical arm.
The water then flows down through rapid gravity filters containing a layer of anthracite and a layer of sand. The coal and sand strain out other solids that didn’t get removed in the previous steps.
At this point, the water will be clear and smooth, but it may still contain chemicals like pesticides. Activated carbon is used to remove these substances.
The final step is to disinfect the water with chlorine. This ensures that there are no harmful bacteria in the water.
After all these steps have been completed, the water is finally safe to drink.