Have you ever wondered how your local signs are made? Are you curious about the sign making process? If so, then this video is just what you’re looking for. This video walks through Port St. Lucy’s traffic division city sign shop and gives all the insight on how city signs are made.
When you’re driving down the road you’ve probably noticed tons of street signs and wonder how on earth they are made. Believe it or not, there are actually sign shops that create street signs for your city from scratch.
Whether or not it’s the stop signs in your neighborhood, to the speed limit signs on the main roads, they are all made from the same place using the same method. First things first, the process to create a sign starts from the computer. The graphic from the computer is then printed out and goes through a process called weeding. Weeding ensures that the excess materials are taken out of the graphic.
These are just the first few steps in the sign making process. To learn about the full process a sign shop takes to create your street signs, then watch the full video. Don’t forget to subscribe for more content!