This YouTube video features fence builder Joe Everest. He provides tips for building fences as professionals do.
Fence Gates
One of the items Joe suggests when constructing a fence is to strengthen the gate area. This is the number one issue where homeowners call for service.
Joe recommends a steel frame and posts on top of the wood.
In addition, the gate hinges should also be steel and connected to the post. This minimizes the risk of sags, warps, or twists in the wood.
Stronger Wood
Another thing to consider is the wood used by a fence builder. For instance, Joe recommends cedar for construction. It’s a durable wood that’s moisture resistant.
To minimize the work needed on the fence, Joe says it’s better to purchase the wood pre-stained. This way, the fence can go up without further maintenance. Though it costs more, pre-stained wood has a strong return on investment.
Follow the Terrain
Following the property’s terrain is another item that minimizes installation issues. Instead of stair-stepping the wood slats, let the structure of the yard guide you. This way, the fence looks even at any level.