Safe drinking water is extremely important for daily life, but have you ever wondered how your tap water becomes clean? Here’s an overview of how the water treatment process works. When water enters a treatment facility, treatment experts check its pH levels and how dirty it is. They then remove any large solid objects that are caught in the water, such as leaves, twigs, branches, and even fish. Video Source Next, they use sulfuric acid and aluminum sulfate to make the solids in the water coagulate into one mass, making them easier to remove. After being treated with chemicals, the water enters an air flotation tank, where it gets mixed…
How Indoor Air Quality Effects Your Health
If the indoor air quality in your home is poor, your health can suffer. When you breathe, any contaminants present in the air enter your body, which can have a variety of negative health effects. When you inhale, air travels down your trachea to your lungs through airways called the bronchi. The bronchi are divided into small tubes called bronchioles, which end in air sacs known as alveoli. Video Source The alveoli are surrounded by small blood vessels called capillaries. As the air you breathe goes from your trachea all the way to your capillaries, it transfers oxygen to your bloodstream. If the air contains any harmful substances, those substances…