When going to a gun range, it is absolutely crucial that you know the rules and safety precautions put in place. To protect yourself and others at the range, be attentive during safety exercises and demonstrations. Every gun range has several rules and regulations designed to keep everybody safe when they are handling firearms.
Despite the obvious rules, there are many details about gun safety that everyone should know before shooting a gun. Before you hit the gun range, check out this quick introduction to how to safely handle a gun.
Every different kind of gun has different rules, and it’s important to have a basic understanding of each of them. Whether it’s a revolver, a rifle, or a handgun, never, ever point a gun at another person. Even if the safety is on and the gun isn’t loaded, always point down the range or up to the ceiling. Always wear eye and ear protection while at the range, to help protect you from the loud noises and potential misfires. Be extremely aware of others around you, and don’t hesitate to ask gun range managers if you have any questions at all.