In this video, you will learn the procedure of building a wooden fence. The tips in this video come through the expertise of wooden fence companies. In order to start the building process, you first need to mark out your string line. You can either rent an auger to dig the holes or dig it with your bare hands to save up some extra cents.
You need to dig the hole size of two and a half feet. The width of the holes should be eight inches wide. After that, you will lay the post inside the holes and dampen it a little with a hose.
Then, you need to pour the concrete all the way to the top of the hole. After that you will cover the concrete with the surrounding dirt. Then you need a tape measure to draw a line on the 22 inches mark. Then you will put the screws in it. After that, you will screw the 2 by 4 wooden fence to the 22 inches mark with the help of a friend. Then you can start installing the wooden fences next to each other. This will build up your fence pretty well with the help of all the basic things so that you remain on a budget too.
It is quite easy to get your fence built up all by yourself with some help by your family. This will avoid the charges of the wooden fence companies.
In this video, you will learn the procedure of building a wooden fence. The tips in this video come through the expertise of wooden fence companies. In order to start the building process, you first need to mark out your string line. You can either rent an auger to dig the holes or dig it with your bare hands to save up some extra cents.
You need to dig the hole size of two and a half feet. The width of the holes should be eight inches wide. After that, you will lay the post inside the holes and dampen it a little with a hose.
Then, you need to pour the concrete all the way to the top of the hole. After that you will cover the concrete with the surrounding dirt. Then you need a tape measure to draw a line on the 22 inches mark. Then you will put the screws in it. After that, you will screw the 2 by 4 wooden fence to the 22 inches mark with the help of a friend. Then you can start installing the wooden fences next to each other. This will build up your fence pretty well with the help of all the basic things so that you remain on a budget too.
It is quite easy to get your fence built up all by yourself with some help by your family. This will avoid the charges of the wooden fence companies.