What does a bail bondsman do? This video interviews a local bail bondsman that is also an entrepreneur. Learn what led this Navy veteran to become a bail agent. This in-depth interview unveils how this bond agent found his way into the industry.
This bond agent, reveals some enlightening information about what it takes to be a bail agent. For example, most people do not know that to become a bail bond agent, you have to put up collateral to get licensed.
This gentleman explained that he had to put up his own property worth $200,000 to get started in the bond business. This entrepreneur has several different businesses including real estate, a barbershop, and of course a bail bond business.
According to the interview his bond business is the busiest part of all his businesses. The interview explains how a bond person makes their money. This video also discusses what happens when a person skips out on a court date. The video clarifies, how the entire process of bail works from the bond person’s perspective.
This video is a must-watch for anyone that wants to get into the bail bond industry. It is informative and entertaining.